Emotional Intelligence: A Foundation in Recovery from Centuries of Oppression
As I continue to unpack what has happened during and since the events in Charlottesville, VA, and have recently also experienced many personal and family-based crises that require public attention directly linked to the failed system of care for children, adults and the elderly with a variety of disabilities, it has been impossible to have […]
Part two – Creating Culture: Choosing to Be An Emotionally Present Parent
Click Here to read Part One Admittedly, the past few years since becoming a parent have been very stressful. From not knowing why both my children did not meet key developmental milestones (and the initial helplessness and hopelessness that came with that) to not know how to help them. Because I trust in the guidance […]
Part One – Creating Culture: Choosing to Be An Emotionally Present Parent
Last week, I had the pleasure of participating in the 2017 Transformational Leadership Forum hosted by the Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competency (NCCC). I was not only honored to have had the opportunity to learn from highly skilled cultural competency trainers, but the icing on the cake has been to now be invited […]